Crew 307 is going to Philmont in 2025!!
Dates: July 9-23, 2025
Total Cost: $3,500
Initial deposit: $350 secures your spot; due ASAP
Scouts who will be age 14+ by July 2025 are eligible to attend.
Although not a hard requirement, we strongly recommend a rank of First Class, Camping and First Aid merit badges.
To pay monthly, please remit $350 by the 10th of each month.
Preferred payment type is Zelle - scan this QR code with your Zelle app.
Otherwise, checks may be made out to "Dewey Lowman 109 Crew 307" and bring to a meeting, or send/drop or drop off at the Crew Treasurer's house. Contact for the address.
We have a couple open slots (including female) for our trip! If you know of someone under 21 that might be interested, let Mr Kent know.
Philmont is one of the most iconic of BSA high adventure bases. See https://www.
This is not one to miss!!
Philmont offers high desert backpacking, with a multitude of activities including rock climbing and rappeling, in a beautiful, remote New Mexico wildnerness area.
Our council does a great job of organizing this one and also offers:
* flights and travel accommodations
* (usually) a Pike's Peak excursion and (often) an Air Force Academy stopover on the way down
* travel shirt and bag
On conclusion of this your scout will:
* be a seasoned, educated backpacker
* have worked closely with others as a team
* be exposed to real consequences of Preparation
* have bonding experiences with peers
* build solid foundation for self-confidence
* create memories lasting a lifetime
Questions? Contact